Tag Archives: oj

Bouchon & Pizza

I had a horrendous experience with Katz’s Deli today, so no pictures from there. The lack of service was so great that I simply left without trying anything.

Time Warner Center

I ended up at the Columbus Circle, simply because it was outside the subway exit on my way. You can see Bouchon Bakery’s seated section on the top right.

Ham & Cheese Baguette & Orange Juice

Bouchon Bakery would make a nice upscale snack place (a date or perhaps a quick business meeting?). By upscale, I mean you will be paying upscale prices. That said, the shopping complex is very nice.

The ham & cheese was alright, but it didn’t stand out at all. Bouchon Bakery had lots of sweet baked goods, which seem like they would be worth a try to share with a friend.

I will say the OJ was good, but that’s hardly the point here? I doubt anyone cares about the prepackaged goods versus the handmade food on site.

Famous Ray's Pizza - Chicken

Just so there’s more to this post than just Bouchon, here’s a picture of some NY pizza. There are Ray’s pizza locations all around NY, and they all claim to be THE Ray’s.

The pizza here was good, but I’d go with Grimaldi’s instead.