Tag Archives: go

Pokemon Go – Use items to evolve Pokémon 2 times (6/8) Evolve & Walk Chart

In Pokémon Go, I currently have two open Special Quests: Mew & Celebi.

I’m currently at step 6/8 for Celebi. I have too many of each evolution item (Dragon Scale, King’s Rock, Metal Coat, Sun Stone, and Up-Grade) from hitting Poke stops & playing over time. What I don’t have is enough candy. Since catching enough of these monsters is not reliable, I have to walk one as my buddy to get enough candy to evolve (with an item).

What I wanted to find out is which pokemon to walk & evolve. Crucial questions are 1.) how many kilometers it takes to walk as your buddy to get candy and 2.) how many candies it takes to evolve.

From To Item Evolve (candy) Walk (km)
Poliwhirl Politoed King’s Rock 100 3km
Slowpoke Slowking King’s Rock 50 3km
Gloom Bellossom Sun Stone 100 3km
Sunkern Sunflora Sun Stone 50 3km
Porygon Porygon2 Up-Grade 50 3km
Seadra Kingdra Dragon Scale 100 3km
Scyther Scizor Metal Coat 50 5km
Onix Steelix Metal Coat 50 5km

To use this chart, I would recommend looking at which pokemon in the From column you have. Next make a note of how many candy you have for each of those pokemon. To meet the quest requirements in a timely manner, you want to pick pokemon to evolve which only require 50 candy & 3km to walk per candy (also factoring in how much candy you have already).