Tag Archives: banh mi saigon

Pho & Pizza

This post has some Manhattan Chinatown stuff and food from under the Brooklyn Bridge.

Pho Bang

In the Chinatown district of Manhattan. They serve a variety of Vietnamese dishes, and a lot of the grilled meats over rice or vermicelli looked delicious.

#1 Extra Large

The Pho soup was decent. The meat inside was unadventurous with thinly-sliced beef, tripe, and tendons. In the Bay Area, you get a lot more exotic cuts of meat. I know it’s NY, but size-wise, this wasn’t much either. I still prefer Pho Tau Bay due to their quality, portions, and price – pretty unbeatable.

Banh Mi Saigon

The best banh mi in NY is supposed to be in a jewelry shop. I would guess that they make much more money from the bakery in the back than selling assorted jewelry.

#2 Spicy Chicken

Price-wise, a Banh Mi sandwich at ~$4 seems expensive to me. I’m used to $2, or in extreme cases $3, Banh Mi’s. But this is NY, and I’m willing to pay $4 for Banh Mi Saigon’s.

I’ve tried their #1 Pork and #2 Chicken, both of them spicy. They ask you if you want the sandwich regular or spicy. A single Banh Mi isn’t that filling, but the quality here is excellent and worth the trip to Chinatown.

Large Regular with Sausage and Mushrooms Close Up

This here is well-reviewed pizza. Many places claim Grimaldi’s has the best pizza in NY. It was definitely delicious, but I’m still trying to figure out what this NY pizza thing is about. CA pizza is edible, but Chicago pizza is where my money is at so far.

Large Regular with Sausage and Mushrooms

Would I go here again? Definitely.

They only sell pizza by the whole pie, and there are no preset combinations. At any typical pizza store, you’d find things like “Meat Lover’s” or “Hawaiian.” At Grimaldi’s, you pick Regular or White. The White is the Regular with no sauce and extra cheese. Then you pick as many individual toppings as you want to add. Like I said, there are no preset combo’s.