Halloween Bash Profile Generator Demo

In Flatiron School, one of the first things we did was setup our bash environment. Many existing web resources for customizing your .bash_profile involved lots of reading, so I decided to make a tool so that anyone could spend a couple minutes with WYSIWYG instead of an hour reading online discussions.

HalloweenBash, a bash profile generator, was made to be as easy to use as possible. It doesn’t have every possible feature, but it updates instantly with a live preview.

The bash preview box shows what your bash will look like when you copy the text in box #3 into your ~/.bash_profile file. Box #1 and #2 allow you to drag and drop elements and click on color choices, respectively.

In this Screencast, I’ll show you step-by-step how easy it is to use:

If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me @rexfeng.

HalloweenBash is available on GitHub.